Top 4 Reasons Why You Can’t Afford Not to Virtualize

Virtualization is the use of software to create a virtual version of a physical device. The goal is to make it look like the device is there, but it isn’t. Virtualization allows organizations to run more than one operating system on their computers. It means they can have both Windows and Linux on the same computer, for example.

If you’re not convinced that you need to virtualize your IT environment, these 4 reasons might just change your mind:

1.  Your IT organization will be far less efficient

IT professionals are always looking for new ways to save time and money, and cloud-based virtualization is one of the most effective strategies. Virtualization enables IT professionals to move workloads, applications and data across servers in order to meet demand. With this technology, you can optimize your capacity management strategy by analyzing your usage patterns. It also reduces the need for big hardware investments like servers or storage.

A study by VMware suggests that you can decrease 26% in the time that is spent on troubleshooting, which thus improves the efficiency of the team and the organization as a whole.

2.  Your organization will be at increased risk for revenue loss

The world is going digital. There’s a need for IT departments to quickly deploy new systems without disrupting the existing infrastructure. Virtualization technology can help save time and money, as well as allow IT to more efficiently manage the business environment.

According to an estimate by VMware, a staggering $7,900 a minute is the cost of unplanned data center downtime, and at the same time, you can observe a 30% increase in hardware savings if you do implement virtualization. So while you are thinking about increasing revenues for your organization, do keep virtualization in mind as well.

3.  Your business will be less agile and less flexible to new opportunities.

Virtualization makes it easier to provide IT services without investing in expensive hardware or software licenses. You can create as many virtual machines as you want, without having to invest in physical space. So if you don’t have virtualization implemented, you will not be able to adapt to newer requirements which might need a different configuration.

Another insight based on a study by VMware, suggests that you could gain a 67% increase in IT productivity with virtualization. This increased productivity can open the doors to new opportunities for your organization apart from the obvious fact that you will be able to handle larger more complex operations that come along with expansion.

4.  You won’t be putting in the right technology for next-generation business

Virtualization has been on the rise in the past years for a number of reasons. A few of these reasons include: increased reliability, improved performance, and improved security. Virtualization also allows you to upgrade your hardware more easily without downtime. The next-generation business cannot afford downtime and with virtualization implemented, you can reduce application downtime by 36% as per a report by VMware.

Virtualization is also critical to any business looking to grow and expand. These services can help prevent data loss and save costs by consolidating hardware and software into one shared resource.

So, there you have it. The 4 reasons why you cannot afford not to virtualize. If you’re convinced or require additional information, be sure to set up a meeting with us

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