

The Complete Guide to ERP And How It Can Affect Your Business

The Complete Guide to ERP And How It Can Affect Your Business

What is an ERP System and Why Should You Care About it? ERP systems are a type of software that… Read more

4 ways JBS helps you with Cloud

4 ways JBS helps you with Cloud

Cloud computing has increased drastically over the past years with the majority of companies shifting to the cloud for their… Read more

The Complete Guide to Cloud Strategy and How it Can Help Your Business

The Complete Guide to Cloud Strategy and How it Can Help Your Business

What is Cloud Strategy? Cloud computing is a type of computing that provides shared resources, software, and information to computers… Read more

What are Data Centers?

What are Data Centers?

There are more than 7 million data centers around the world (Source: Statista), these are the backbone of the digital economy. The question however remains: What are they? The short answer? A place that houses and manages data and its systems. The long answer? This blog.

Cybersecurity Challenges for 2022

Cybersecurity Challenges for 2022

2021 has been a roller coaster of a ride for many – specially for those involved in cybersecurity. For e.g the high increase in ransomware across the board (41 billion threats blocked in the first six months of the year as per a report by Trend Micro)

3 Advantages of Cloud Computing

3 Advantages of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is the most cost-effective way to deliver IT services. It has become a popular way to deliver software, storage, and other technology resources over the internet.