I’ve always been known by my friends and family for 3 things. For being a planner, for being responsible and for having a easy going and jolly personality. I’d like to think my inspiration and role model was my nana jaan who had a very disciplined and humble lifestyle and I try to reflect the values instilled by him in my daily life as well. I don’t think I can live up to the kind of person he was, but I would sure like to try. My nana jaan supported his family from a very young age and made sure everyone received a good education since his parents died when he was still young. He took out time for everything. His prayers, his work, his family and even his plants. He rose from being a simple graduate to a company director. It was him who taught me that balance is important. It is for this very reason that if I had the chance to meet someone from the past, I’d choose to meet him and learn more from him. I have financially supported my family ever since I graduated from university and the one piece of advice, I hold close to my heart is that honesty truly is the best policy.
For me a great way to destress is to play with kids, because they know how to take away your worries. I’m also a big fan of Hollywood movies and very passionate about strategy games. Call of duty, modern warfare is probably my favourite game though I seriously wish I had more time to play. The nature of my job often requires me to be available at off hours, but I love the work that I do. The most interesting part about my job is getting to travel, meeting an array of people through which I’ve learned to interact and deal with all sorts of people.
So I come from an engineering background and sadly you know engineers aren’t really valued as much in our country. Engineering students come up with the most amazing final year projects that have great potential to solve multiple problems in our society. Unfortunately, many of those projects fail to materialize because many students coming from humble backgrounds lack the mentoring, access to funding or a strong network which they can leverage.