“How can it be done” vs “why it cannot be done”. Every time a new idea, a new way of doing the thing, a new approach to solve a problem, a new dimension to organize yourself is brought up, the first reaction has to be “how it can be done”.
This approach opens up the mind, builds the ability to analyze, develop new ways to brainstorm and pick ideas, generate new ideas which are relevant and sometimes become a core idea on its own. Only when an idea or an approach is looked at “how it can be done approach”, you can determine to proceed or not. Saying “No”, it cannot be done in the first instance kills creativity, kills the ability to think, analyze, read, evaluate the pros and cons, develop. “No” is an innovation killer, culture destroyer. “Yes” opens up the horizon, the mental faculty in ways like never before.
“The first reaction should always be “how it can be done”.